bass fishing calendar

bass fishing calendar

Thursday, May 22, 2008

history of bass fishing

Basic Knowledge about Striped Bass Fishing: Learn More to Catch More

For the first time that you would hear about striped bass fishing, you would probably think of the factor that drives people to engage in such activities. You would say that only those people who have an idea on what it is would be amused of this kind of fishing. But who says no to fishing? If ever you would then surely your missing one great experience in life!

People have been striped bass fishing for many years. People bass fish for many reasons. Some of them enjoy fishing regardless of what they catch. While others fish because they want to catch a lot of stripers and some would fish for food. Of course every person who is into fishing has the same problem - finding fish and catching them.

In 1879, Stripers were first introduced to California from the East Coast. The stripped bass are also called rockfish because they usually dwell under the rocks. They look very much similar to a white fish. These species moves around in groups.

So when you are fishing, and if you catch a striped bass then there is a good chance that you will be able catch more. This kind of fishes likes to eat smaller fish, and other coruscations. Stripped bass fish are the favorite meal of blue fined tuna and sharks.

Striped bass are migratory. Most adults after spawning in rivers move into the salt water for summer and fall. Many of them feed from one bay to the other. In late fall & winter some fish moves upstream to the fresh water.

These bass fishes are often caught using small artificial lures. There are numerous techniques available to pursue the sport of bass fishing.

For beginners, it is advisable to gather more basic tools to get started. Also it is suggested to start with artificial bait until the angler has a better understanding of the unique characteristics of the bass fish. Both amateur and seasoned anglers use Spinner bait. The biggest stripped bass caught is 53 pounds.

Of course to catch stripped bass you must know how to locate them, but this is great challenge to most anglers because there are so many factors that need to be determined to be able to locate one.

Basically the first thing that you should learn in bass fishing is to know how to read Maps. This way, it would be easier for you to take on the appropriate location that is good for bass fishing.

You need to remember that bass fish like Largemouth bass, smallmouth bass and stripped bass do not have the same characteristics.

This is another factor in catching bass fishes. These creatures have their own distinctive traits, so you must learn their nature so that you would be able to know where to locate them.

The weather condition must also be considered, when it comes to striped bass fishing. It is very important to know that the most practical places to look for active bass is just after cold fronts and during early spring and late fall periods. The depth or the hollowness of the water also serves as a factor to know a good location.

Once you are aware of their habitat and have mastered the techniques in catching then you are ready to go on your first stripped bass fishing.

If you want to find and catch Stripped bass there are a lot of guides that can help you. Legends and masters do exist in bass fishing. They are the ones who are ordinary men that transcends from their natural being when they are on the water with a bass casting rod in hand.

It is an extraordinary experience catching these bass fishes and watching them move and jump out of the water. Even just at staring at them it is really a wonderful feeling. They are really such beautiful creatures!

bass fishing in clear lake

Learn some Basic Guides on Bass Fishing

As you spend more and more hours and days on bass fishing, you will acquire lots of knowledge about the right lure and technique for the proper way to do this sport. The best advice most experienced and seasoned bass fishermen, is to examine the fishing conditions, ask for tips from anglers familiar with the waters you are fishing in, and finally, try many different lures and bass-fishing techniques until you discover what works most effectively to the situation, and which one you are most comfortable with.

Here are some Guides to Bass Fishing to become a better Bass Fisher.

The Technique:

The bait must fall to the preferred depth, then you have to shake the rod tip. By this, you'll be getting the fishes attention. Do this for at least 30 seconds, then shaking again for about 2 or 3 seconds intervals, stop and pull slowly about six inches. Then dropping again, slowly back and down and repeating the process. The first thing to remember if they're not biting is to slow down.


� During Springtime, fish uphill (position the boat in shallow water and cast to deep water) and use a 1/8 ounce weight.

� Fish downhill in Fall.

� Try to use a Texas rigged worm to prevent hang-ups.

� Fish out the worm and keep suspended 90% of the time.

� Always try to sharpen the hooks to make sure you have maximized your hookup percentage.

� When doodling, it is critical to keep your presentation natural by downsizing your hooks to 1/0 or lower, and paying delicate, attention to how straight your bait is in order to maintain a natural presentation.

� Crystal clear waters can be tough. The secret to fishing weenie worms is to keep slack on your line and "shake" the bait instead of dragging. The shaking of the rod and your light line gives your worm, grub or reaper an amazing action.

When to Go:

When the bass quit hitting during the daytime and when it becomes uncomfortably hot on the lake are good signals that it's time to start night fishing. Night fishing is usually practiced when the water is in the mid-60s or warmer.

Places to Fish:

Where to fish at night is a question commonly asked by bass fishermen. Bass don't move great distances in most situations. Smallmouth bass, especially, are proven stay-at-homes. As the summer wears on, the bass tend to move deeper and won't come up shallow, even at night in many lakes. Night fishing is productive when the bass are within the 20-foot zone

Tips and Guides

� Position yourself only as far away as water clarity dictates; stay close enough for consistent accuracy.

� Try to make the lure land on the water with as little noise as possible. Cast past the target when possible.

� In windy weather, put tension on the line just before the lure touches down. This will straighten out the line and prevent it from blowing across obstructions.

� Learn casting techniques that permit a low trajectory, such as flipping, pitching, sidearm casting and underhand casting.

� Use a quality rod and reel matched to the weight of the lure. Rods with a stiff blank but relatively fast (limber) tip are easier to cast than extremely stiff or uniformly limber rods.

� Cast with the wrist, not the arm and shoulder.

� Lower the lure a few inches below the rod tip before casting; this gives extra momentum for the cast.

� Be sure to "load" the rod tip, causing it to bend backward, on the back-cast, then whip the rod forward smoothly.

� Fill the spool of any type reel to within 1/8 inch of the lip of the spool. DO NOT OVERFILL!

The Flip-Cast; use your wrist, NOT your arm.

� Concentrate on the spot you want to hit, not on what you want to miss.
� Use plenty of scent when trying to penetrate thick cover - it acts as a lubricant.
� Stick to basic jig colors (black/blue, brown/brown, black/chartreuse).
� Use a plastic worm with a glass bead between the worm and the weight for inactive fish.
� If you think it's a strike, reel down until your rod is in a hookset position before you check.
� A strike is anything different (something you wouldn't feel in a bathtub!).
� Tighten your drag all the way down for better hooksets.
� Use 17 to 25 pound test line for bait casting gear, 10 to 14 pound test on spinning (for flipping finesse baits).

In order to establish a pattern it is essential you understand how a bass lives in its environment. Knowing where the bass can be found at any given time or place is something you must develop. Always go fishing with a plan in mind.

Remember that every fish you catch can reveal clues on how to catch another. After establishing a pattern, realize that when the action slows down in the area you were fishing, you can then search for more areas that would fill the same criteria.